Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The beginning of the call out

"What do you mean it could be a tumor?" I can just remember my doctor explaining to me that the only other cause of my high prolactin could be caused by a brain tumor. "Perhaps I didn't explain myself more clearly, my issue is with my breasts not my brain". "Ah yes", he states, "but the hormones are the underlying issue." The sudden drop of my blood pressure probably should of sent me to the emergency room, but he assured me it wasn't something serious. Something serious! Perhaps you could take a quick second and reflect on your previous statement of "caused by a brain tumor" and grasp the simple concept that I would indeed believe that this is more than a serious issue. Don't get me wrong my doctor is absolutely wonderful and with his expertise we were able to diagnosis this issue quickly where in the past I have heard many horror stories of not having the proper diagnosis. I left that day thinking what does this mean, and how did it happen. I inquired with my doctor to find out the cause of such tumors he explained that it was unknown. What? Another blank stare shot across my face, why not? Which leads me to believe that I will make it my mission to research.
I was overwhelmed, hurt and extremely emotional. Why oh why? I called my better half to explain that this was the issue, he was supportive. He asked the same questions that I did and unfortunately he was even more confused than I was as to what causes this issue. Next call of course was my sweet mother who right away wanted to gather a research team and start the world wide testing.
So I endured the long and most difficult waiting period in my life for the phone call that would confirm the date of my CT Scan.

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